- Marktheidenfeld
City of Marktheidenfeld
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 MarktheidenfeldTel.: 09391 5004-0
info@marktheidenfeld.de- Town Hall & Service
City Office Marktheidenfeld
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 MarktheidenfeldTel.: 09391 5004-0
info@marktheidenfeld.de- Culture & Tourism
Tourist Information Marktheidenfeld
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 MarktheidenfeldTel.: 09391 5004-0
info@marktheidenfeld.de- Education & Social issues
City of Marktheidenfeld
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 MarktheidenfeldTel.: 09391 5004-0
info@marktheidenfeld.de- Economy
City of Marktheidenfeld
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 MarktheidenfeldTel.: 09391 5004-0
info@marktheidenfeld.deStadt Marktheidenfeld
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 MarktheidenfeldTel.: 09391 5004-0
info@marktheidenfeld.deArt Award of the City of Marktheidenfeld
- The Art Award of Marktheidenfeld is set up every second year to alternating aspect and techniques, first in 1998 - for the 50th anniversary of the town priviledges of Marktheidenfeld and the opening of the Franck-Haus.
A jury makes a selection from the submitted paintings, which is then exhibited in Franck-Haus. Simultaneously, a winner is chosen. The visitors of the exhibition select an award-winner of the public, independently from the jury’s decision. Both winners are named on the last day of the exhibition. The award is combined with a prize money of 2,000 Euros (formerly 1,500) for the jury’s winner and 500 for the public’s winner. Those prizes are donations given by sponsors.
All artists who live in the district of Lower Franconia and the Main-Tauber-Region can hand in their works of art. Details are given in the latest award information.
- Inge Albert
Luitpoldstraße 17
97828 Marktheidenfeld
Tel.: 09391 5004-66
Fax: 09391 7940
Untertorstraße 6
97828 Marktheidenfeld
Tel.: 09391 81785
Fax: 09391 7940
- Town Hall & Service